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GriefShare is designed to be entered at any time during the series. Every session will speak to you in some way no matter the topic. If you are hesitant, we recommend attending 2-3 sessions before deciding. You will find the support and understanding you receive is amazing. No one is expected to share but you will find that sharing is healing, and that listening to others is encouraging and helpful. If you have questions before attending contacting Kurt @ or 715-864-9039.

Host: Bethesda, 123 W. Hamilton, Eau Claire, WI

Session 1: Is This Normal? How Grief Affects Us Grief is the natural response to significant loss. Grief affects all aspects of your life. Processing grief takes time, but you will be OK. Session 1 Sept 17

Session 2: Your Grief Journey is Uniquely Yours How your circumstances affect your grief. Different grieving “styles”. Possible surprises and the roller-coaster nature of the grief journey. Session 2 Sept 24

Session 3: Loneliness & Sadness; Life After Your Loss. Sadness can slow you down to assess where you’re struggling & what might help. Sadness lessens as you make adjustments in your life. Making meaningful connections eases loneliness Session 3 Oct 1

Session 4: Self-Care; Keeping Your Strength Healthy lifestyle practices while grieving aid progress. Unhealthy/numbing behaviors hinder progress. How to build a relationship with the God of comfort & strength. Session 4 Oct 8

Session 5: Fearful & Overwhelmed Worry is a fear of what might happen, not of what will happen. Having a plan can prevent “grief overload”. Fear reminds us to depend on a trustworthy God. Session 5 Oct 15

Session 6: Anger - When It All Seems So Unfair Anger can give you energy to make changes. Anger is powerful, but God can help you manage it. Forgiveness is important to you and your relationship. Session 6 Oct 22

Session 7: Regrets The importance of challenging your “If onlys”. Better thoughts to focus on. God’s response to your regrets. Session 7 Oct 29

Session 8: Grief & Your Household; Facing the Empty Chair at the Table. How to deal with secondary losses. Tips for parenting grieving children. What to do with your loved one’s possessions. Session 8 Nov 5

SPECIAL SESSION: Surviving the Holidays Discover how you can find hope and celebration during an often-difficult holiday season. This is a great opportunity to invite a grieving friend or relative. TWO OPTIONS Nov 11, 6:30-8:30pm Nov 12, 9-11am

Session 9: Grief & Your Friendships Other people can help you deal with changes. Realistic expectations of others is important. How to talk to people who are uncomfortable with grief. Session 9 Nov 19

Session 10: Questions for God Trusting God with questions and doubts is a step forward in faith. The benefits of asking God “What can I learn from this?” Learning from God’s Word about heaven. Session 10 Nov 26

Session 11: Stuck in Grief Being “stuck” in grief is not about time, it’s about skipping steps toward healing. Negative thought patterns will keep you stuck. Bible & prayer defend against wrong thinking. Session 11 Dec 3

Session 12: Hope & Resilience; There’s More to Your Story Biblical hope is more than wishful thinking. How resilience helps you press on after your loss. Resilience grows the more you ground yourself in God’s truth. Session 12 Dec 10

Session 13: What Do I Live for Now? Remembering & Honoring “Legacy projects” that bless others and honor your loved one. Preserving and using lessons you’ve learned from your loved one. Renewing your sense of purpose. Session 13 Dec 17

September 28

Spiritual Abuse: A Workshop to Recognize & Rebuild

October 4

Wheels of TIme