Event Title: Live Nativity Performance
Event Date: December 09, 2023
Event Description: Come join us; Go back in time and witness the events that unfolded to usher in the Savior of the World. A live Nativity will depict the Bibilcal story of the baby Emanuel. Actors, musicians and live animals, in an outdoor setting, will bring the real reason for the Christmas season to life. So bundle up, bring some lawn chairs, the kids and the rest of family out to an intimate setting out in the country. Food and fellowship will follow, as you enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of what this world offers. A free-will offer is welcome, but not required to attend. This helps us continue the production for years to come, and spread the Gospel.
Event Start Time: 6pm
Event End Time (If Applicable): 7pm
Event Location: Google Maps: Old School HomeStead
Event Address: E17085 County Road D, Fall Creek, WI 54742, United States
Event Contact Name: Levi Miller (JB)
Contact Email: levijbmiller@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (715) 450-2184