AREA MEN AND BOYS: You are cordially invited to the 2nd Annual Mountain Men Revival on Feb. 3rd and 4th , 2023. The Mountain Men are an ecumenical group of Christian men who have ovecme mountains of adversity in their lives through their faith in God, the Father; Jesus Christ, the Son; and the Holy Spirit. Now they are prepared to help others overcome their adversities in life through sharing their Christian faith.
This Mountain Men's Revival Event will be held Friday, Feb. 3rd , 5:00 pm meal, 6:00-9:00 pm program at the Rice Lake High School, Rice Lake, Wisconsin. And Feb. 4th , 8:30-1:30 pm which includes a simulcast of the 30th Anniversary of the “No Regrets Conference.” Also lunch will be available.
Come to one or come to all! There will be a $10.00 charge for each meal. There is no cost for the program and the meals are optional. The Mountain Men group is an ecumencial group and this is an ecumenical event. For more information or to register: Once again that is: