Event Title: Sirianna Basham Cancer Benefit
Event Date: October 29, 2023
Event Description: Sirianna was recently diagnosed with metastatic osteosarcoma, an aggressive type of cancer. She is 16 years old. This benefit will have cash raffles, silent auction, food and square boards. All proceeds will go to the Basham's to offset some of the costs of travel, meals, hotels medical expenses as Siri fights. She has a very loving family including 5 siblings.
Event Start Time: 3:00 pm
Event End Time (If Applicable): 6:00 pm
Event Location: The Buckhorn Bar
Event Address: 11010W State Highway 48, Exeland, WI 54835, United States
Event Contact Name: Breann Smith/Lani Burki
Contact Email: bsmit5502@gmail.com or adburki@charter.net
Contact Phone: (218) 591-9981