Hope Weekend
March 11th -13th
Watch Promo Video here
Hope weekend is designed to refresh and restore hope in your life! This is for anyone who could use encouragement, healing, fresh vision and a touch from heaven. Our heart is for this to be a catalyst weekend that will spark a fire and hunger for the Lord like never before.
The first Hope Weekend 100 people received salvations/rededicated their life to Christ! People were Baptized, healed and set free from drugs, alcohol, past hurt and sexual abuse.
Friday & Saturday @ 6:30pm
Sunday: 10am + 6:30pm
Plus Saturday: live worship and prayer team available for ministry from 11am-2pm at the church.
Hope Weekend Services just for kids with Pastor Matt Golie.
3445 Gateway Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54701
We know God is moving across The Chippewa Valley in a mighty way!